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Matching skills of uniform

date:2016-04-06 00:00 source: click:


        In the uniform, it is better to use the same color system for the jacket, trousers or skirt. At the same time, for the reasons of solemnity and dirt resistance, the color selection is generally blue, gray, brown, black and so on. A blue uniform is steady, a brown one is noble. In the world, they are the most commonly used business uniforms. When color matching, we should adhere to the "three color principle". Its main requirements are: with the uniform itself, its color should be limited to three kinds in total. This method can make the best effect of color matching. Specifically, some uniform matching skills are as follows:

        1. Work clothes should be elegant in style. The uniform of the business community should be smart, competent, dignified, gentle and gentle, rather than shocking and avoiding. These requirements are reflected in the fact that most uniforms are two-piece suits at present. It consists of a top and a bottom. Due to different industries, departments and requirements, there are suits, hunting clothes, jackets, shirts, shirts, and so on. Among the uniforms, there are pants, skirts, straps and so on.

        2. In a uniform, it is best to use the same color for the jacket, trousers or skirt. For the sake of solemnity and dirt resistance, the colors selected for uniforms that meet the above requirements are generally only blue, gray, brown and black. Blue uniform means steady, brown uniform means noble. They are the most commonly used business uniforms in the world. When color matching, we should adhere to the "three color principle". Its main requirements are: with the uniform itself, its color should be limited to three kinds in total. This method can make the best effect of color matching.

        3. Specifically, business people should not wear any patterns or accessories on their uniforms.

        Of course, work clothes should be elegant in style. The uniform of the business community should be smart, competent, dignified, gentle and gentle, rather than shocking and avoiding. These requirements are reflected in the fact that most uniforms are two-piece suits at present. It consists of a top and a bottom. Due to different industries, departments and requirements, there are suits, hunting clothes, jackets, shirts, shirts, and so on. Among the uniforms, there are pants, skirts, straps, and so on.



Shenzhen Fodisy Investment development Co., LTD  

Business line: 0755-83594846



Address:  9F, Tower B, Tengfei Industrial Building,

                Futian Free Trade Zone, Futian District, 

                Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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