When you buy clothes, you will first open the collar to see the price, and before that you may turn to such a sign.

The patterns and numbers above don't make you sweat like the price, but the key problem is that you can't understand what they mean
According to the Federal Trade Commission, the symbols have been broken down into five basic elements, namely, "wash," "bleach," "dry," "iron," and "warning," sometimes using numbers or a dot to represent temperature changes.
So what exactly do they mean? After reading these two pictures, you may understand.

Despite the fact that these symbols are divine, they have a history of several decades. According to Jonathan Walford, curator of the Museum of fashion history, the symbols were born in Europe in the 1950s, but did not become popular in North America until the 1970s. Walford said that these clothing symbols, like temperature and length, also have differences in Europe and America, but the two systems are not very big.
Next time you pick up clothes, you won't just look at the price!